Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019 at 09:22AM

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Hard to see, but there are dozens of baby currants in this pic 😀 The clove currants have set really well so there’s lots of yummy blackcurrant juice in our future! . . #blackcurrant #blackcurrants #ribena #greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #growfruit #growyourownfruit #growyourown #gardeningknowhow

Video Friday: Permaculture Gardening Harvest, Backyard Sustainable Food Forest

The Permaculture Food Forest is still producing a lot of food and it sure is delicious. This is beyond organic gardening. This type of gardening is as close to natural farming as you can get. At this time of year the amount of food each week is to … Read the rest

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019 at 08:28AM

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Comfrey, buzzing with bees. This is the Russian or Bocking 14 kind that doesn’t self seed itself all around the garden, but you can still propagate it by digging up and dividing, or taking root cuttings. Great stuff for making compost or “tea” to feed other plants. . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #flowergarden #flowergardens #herbgarden #herbgardening #compost #composting #gardeningknowhow #comfrey #comfreytea

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019 at 07:54AM

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And here are the the other three pea batches. On the right, the far half of the bed is Green Arrow planted Apr 1, near half is Green Arrow planted May 1. There’s about 6” difference in height now, they will both grow to 30-36”. On the left, Carlin soup peas planted Apr 15. These will be about 6ft high eventually. I need to get some strings on that trellis frame asap 😀 . . #peas #trellis #carlinpeas #greenarrowpeas #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #gardeningknowhow

Monday, May 27, 2019

How to Grow Strawberries (that taste great!)

Growing Strawberries for Real Flavor!

Those red things you can buy in the supermarket in winter do not taste like real strawberries, and they are crunchy instead of melt-in-your-mouth. Growing strawberries yourself is a great way to get that real, old-fashioned strawberry flavor – and it’s easy to … Read the rest

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May 27, 2019 at 10:52AM

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First batch of peas (Meteor, planted mid-March) are flowering well and just starting to set pods. The supports are some green wire fences that fold up for storage, and that I got for free at the end of a garage sale years ago. They were a great buy 😀 . . #peas #shellingpeas #englishpeas #greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens

Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019 at 06:21PM

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This is a beautybush, Kolkwitzia amabilis. We discovered after planting that it can grow 15ft high and wide! This one is at about 7ft and very lovely in flower. . . #kolkwitziaamabilis #greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening

Video Friday: Container Garden Harvest & Update #2

May 31st Harvesting Fresh Vegetables from the Container Garden and the raised bed square foot gardening spraying bt caterpillar spray and neem oil on the cabbage worms and aphids insects tomatoes kale collards beets sugar snap peas radishes butternut squash raw food salad

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Starting a Garden, Herb Garden Edition

Starting a garden of any type can feel daunting, especially if it is your first time with a garden of your own. A herb garden can certainly seem a daunting task, especially if you are basing your expectations on something you’ve seen at a botanical garden or in … Read the rest

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May 22, 2019 at 08:37AM

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This what one of the sunflowers in my profile@pic looked like once the petals,dried out and the seed head expanded. It was nearly 2 ft across! Unfortunately in our damp fall climate it never dried out properly and it went moldy 😢 . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #gardeningproblems #sunflowers

Monday, May 20, 2019

Plan Your Vegetable Garden part 2: What Type and Size of Vegetable Garden?

What size of garden you build depends on how much space you have, and how much time and energy for maintenance. Even if you have unlimited space, you are better off starting with a small space that you can keep up with (and expanding later), than taking on … Read the rest

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May 20, 2019 at 08:46AM

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Rain, beautiful rain! We’re having a period of warm sunny days interspersed with rainy ones, which is great for the garden. My favorite peas are growing like gangbusters 😀 . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #herbgarden #herbgardening #herbgardens #rainyday

Friday, May 17, 2019

Video Friday: Urban Agroecoloy: 6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre – Urban Homestead – Urban Permaculture

Go to to join the Food Abundance movement.

Over 6,000 pounds of food per year, on 1/10 acre located just 15 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. The Dervaes family grows over 400 species of plants, 4,300 pounds of vegetable food, 900 chicken and 1,000 duck eggs, 25 … Read the rest

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Plan Your Vegetable Garden, part 1: Where to place your vegetable garden

Plants need sun, water, air and nutrients, and where you choose to place your garden will have a big effect on all of those. While you can bring water and nutrients to the garden, you need to pick the best spot for sun and air from the start.Read the rest

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May 16, 2019 at 09:44AM

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What to do with all the rhubarb leaves you get when you harvest the stalks? You can just put them in the compost, but they also work great as mulch on places like this access path under the cherry tree. . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #rhubarb #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #containergardening #containergardens #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #compost #composting #newgardener #gardening101 #gardeningknowhow #gardeningnewbie

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019 at 10:10AM

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If you have an old laundry sink sitting unused, it’s a great place to grow mint while keeping it under control! This one is concrete and weighs a ton, but plastic ones will work too. Comes with a built in drain hole. We set this one up on some concrete blocks because the last time around when it was just raised up an inch or so off the ground, the local tree roots grew up into it through the drain hole and hogged all the nutrients! Handy tip on mint varieties: this apple mint has a slightly fuzzy leaf and doesn’t suffer from “rust” (a kind of fungal disease) late in the summer like the non fuzzy varieties do. . . #mint #mintleaves #applemint #laundrysink #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #containergardening #containergardens #herbgarden #herbgardening #herbgardens #gardeningknowhow #gardeningforbeginners

Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019 at 08:09PM

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Sweet cicely growing and flowering merrily. We have one plant of this which had a pile of woodchips accidentally dumped on top of it. It’s now twice as big! I just wish I could get them to grow where I want them, rather than (or as well as) where they feel like it😀 . . #sweetcicely #myrrhisodorata #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #herbgarden #herbgardening #herbgardens #gardeningknowhow

Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 12, 2019 at 01:23AM

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Rosemary bushes flowering like crazy! Bees love them too, look close to see one 😀 . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #herbgarden #herbgardening #herbgardens #gardeningknowhow #rosemary #rosemaryflowers

Saturday, May 11, 2019

May 11, 2019 at 11:24AM

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This is a purple sand cherry, flowering for the first time. It’s taken a long time because it got moved around a few times before we found a place it likes! . . #purplesandcherry #sandcherry #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening

May 11, 2019 at 03:33AM

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Baby peaches too! So far we had exactly ONE peach off this tree, hoping for more this year. . . #peachtree #babypeach #peaches #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #gardeningknowhow

Friday, May 10, 2019

Video Friday: How to plant garlic

To make garlic planting easy soil should be well prepared first, placing your garlic cloves at the right spacings and planting them the right distance below the soil can help to ensure your garlic will grow well.

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May 10, 2019 at 09:46AM

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These are clove currants, a kind of blackcurrant with larger fruit. Pretty flowers too! We juice these and freeze the juice, then I use the leftover pulp along with apple or pear pulp to make fruit leather. . . #blackcurrant #clovecurrant #currants #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #gardeningknowhow #juicing #fruitleather

May 10, 2019 at 02:18AM

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See those little blobs? Them’s figs 😀 Alfie loves figs, and last year this tree gave us two as its first crop. This year there are about a dozen growing. . . #figtree #figs #figseason #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #gardeningknowhow

Thursday, May 9, 2019

May 09, 2019 at 11:02AM

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I was just mulching this bed today and realized, there’s a lot going on here! 1. 18 Brussels sprout plants in a 12’x3’ bed. Actually the frilly leaved ones further away are kale sprouts (kalettes), a cross bywn kale and br sprouts. Plus a few lettuce which will be grown and eaten before the sprouts need the space-in fact I could have fitted in more than the three I did. 2. Drip irrigation, 2 kinds. On the left is drip pipe, half inch poly pipe with drippers built in every 1 ft. On the right, 1/4” soaker hose. 3. Slug defence: copper flashing in a ring round the lettuce 4. Cabbage root maggot defence: each brassica plant has a square of thick landscape fabric around the stem, weighed down by stones. This mostly stops the fly from laying the eggs that become root maggots. (Not the same as cabbage butterflies) 5. Grass clipping mulch from our lovely neighbors (we don’t have mowable grass) to keep weeds down and moisture in. 6. Bed was top dressed with the used soil from the trays I grew microgreens in over the winter. Pros: adds organic matter and some nutrients to the soil. Cons: any microgreens seed that didn’t sprout first time round, is sprouting now 😂 . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #backyardhomestead #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardens #compost #composting #newgardener #gardening101 #gardeningknowhow #kalettes #brusselssprouts #lettuce

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 08, 2019 at 09:01AM

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Japanese quince looking lovely all mixed up in some big old rhodos. Unfortunately it only looks lovely when flowering, the actual shrub has been so hacked about over the decades, and it has such an angular growth habit anyway, that it’s pretty ugly the rest of the year. Also, spiky! . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #urbanhomestead #homesteadgardens #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #gardeningproblems #gardeningknowhow #japanesequince #chaenomelesjaponica #chaenomeles

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 05, 2019 at 09:04AM

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Salal and mint planted in the light shade of an existing ornamental cherry in the courtyard garden we’ve been working on this week. The trainees really enjoyed getting to the planting stage after all the prep! . . #Greenthumb #instagarden #gardenersofinstagram #frommygarden #organicgarden #urbangardening #gardenideas #instagardening #organicgardener #urbangardens #bcgardener #organicgardens #urbangardeners #urbanorganicgardening #gardenhomestead #flowergarden #flowergardens #flowergardening #herbgarden #herbgardening #herbgardens #newgarden #gardeningknowhow #salal #mint #mintplant #tradestraining #landscaping

Friday, May 3, 2019

Video Friday: Ask Ian: Container Gardening

Ian Cooke is a world-renowned horticulturist and has observed plants across 50 countries and received numerous awards from the Royal Horticultural Society in England.

“Container Planting” is the first of many from the “Ask Ian” video series on

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Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 02, 2019 at 06:53PM

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Working in a neglected courtyard garden this week teaching a landscaping course. This pergola was black with dirt and mildew but turned out to be made of concrete, so we power washed it and it brightened right up. . . #pergola #concrete #gazebo #powerwashing #rejuvenation #gardenrenovation